I have decided that I officially hate that word. Why? Because it has no positive connotations whatsoever. It's an insult to the person it is being said to, and supremely illustrates the ignorance and lack of creativity and brainpower of the person saying it.
Some dumb fucker texted me today about a body rub. Polite with the first message, gave me his name, asked if I was available today. I responded, asked what time, and... here's where it gets interesting.
Him: 3pm. Can you describe your services?
Me: I'm available at 3, and my "service" is simply a body rub. I don't engage in illegal activities.
Him: Duh.
I thought "hmm. Prick." and ignored him. Just not someone I wanted to spend time with.
10 minutes go by, and I get this from him:
Him: You have gorgeous lips.
Me: Your point?
Him: Do you have upgrades?
Seriously??? I wish y'all could have seen the look on my face.
Me: If you want a longer rub, then, certainly. You can upgrade the time spent with me, but it's still just a rub and my lips don't get involved.
Him: Never? Bummer. No bbbj ever?
Me: That's illegal. DUH.
(for those who might not know, bbbj is "bareback blow job", which in addition to not being something I do, is also totally illegal. Which means, that after "duh"'ing my "no illegal activities" stance, he asked me for...illegal activities. So, yeah, I sunk to his level of stupidity and said it right back to him)
I know, it's been forever since I've written anything, and I'm sorry. Life gets in the way sometimes. I tried to post a video last week, but this forum wouldn't let me for some reason. I'll try to figure out why and post it again soon.