Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Sorry I haven't written in so long.  Life gets in the way sometimes, and, after the ridiculous technical snafu on my previous blog, and after subsequently reviewing 2 1/2 years worth of blogs, and transferring the pertinent ones (one by one) over to this new blog address, I have to say...I was completely sick of myself. Not to mention that in the middle of all of that mess, I had to build a new website.  Sheesh!  I completely lost my perspective about who I was in regards to the online stuff, and subsequently lost the motivation to write anything. 

I think I needed some time off.  

I'm back, though.  I found my fingers itching to do some typing tonight, and so I sat down at my computer, and found myself here. 

First, I checked the view stats, and was pleasantly surprised at how many views this thing is getting.  I figured that after my old blog kinda being dead in the water for so long, I'd have lost a fair amount of readers.  Not the case, and in fact, was quite the opposite.  More readers daily and weekly than on my old blog.  

Nice.  :)  I missed you, too. 

I would like to take a second to give a very big shout-out to Mistress Kiley.  I am fanning this woman with a palm frond as we speak (well, not really, but you know what I mean).
When my life was getting in the way these past few weeks, she was a rock, and the true north on my compass.  With just a few words, she can remind me that I can get through anything. She is also great at making me laugh, no matter the circumstances. She doesn't always tell me what I want to hear, but she always gives it to me straight.  There's not a lot of people in the world who will respect you enough to go out on a limb and tell it like it is, for whatever reason.  It's not always comfortable or easy to tell someone the truth, and there's always risk involved.  Risk of it turning from a conversation into an ugly confrontation, loss of friendship (which is pretty much on the shoulders of the person who can't handle the truth, but still....), etc.   She doesn't back down even when I'm behaving at my worst, and that tells me that she sees me as an adult, and as someone who can handle reality.  She accepts me for the human being that I am, and doesn't expect me to be perfect.  She is a true friend, and those are rare.  I thank my higher power every day for the people like her in my life.  

Other than that, a few new adventures in my life, and I'm still as silly as ever. 

The other morning, my guy and I grabbed the dogs and went to the lake at around 5am. Saguaro Lake, Butcher Jones beach.  It's always so quiet there in the mornings, and it never fails to surprise me. The water was perfect, and we had a wonderful time swimming and splashing and playing with the dog.   I decided I was going to swim out to the buoy, which is pretty far out there. I got within 20 feet of it, and I felt something tickle my leg. Now, I do NOT do well in murky water that's full of slithery things.  It was only a bit of seaweed, but of course, I FREAKED THE FUCK OUT.  I turned around and started swimming towards shore for all I was worth, screaming my damn fool head off.  My man turns around at my first screech, and even from hundreds of yards away, I swear I could see the color drain from his face.  He jumps into the water and starts swimming for all he's worth.  You see, he thought I had gotten tired and was going under.  As he's ferociously swimming to me for a gallant rescue, he yells at me "I'm coming! Hang on!" and I screamed back "there's something on my leg!"

At which point, he stops swimming.  

And gets a disgusted look on his face. 

And yells back to me: "Are you fucking kidding me?"

When he sees me still frantically swimming towards him, he hollers at me "Stop being such a pussy!" and turns back towards shore. 

I hate fish, and dead things.  So, while the calm, rational, grown-up part of me was quietly repeating "It's ok. Just some seaweed. No big deal. You're fine. ", the irrational, panic-stricken 5 year old inside me was screaming at the top of her lungs "THERE'S SOMETHING ICKY RIGHT HERE NEXT TO ME AND IT'S TOUCHING ME AND IT'S GONNA LICK ME AND I'M GONNA DIE!!"

Guess which voice I paid more attention to?

Think about it.  Go on.  I'll wait.  

Yep. That's right. 

The one that made me look like a jackass. 

As usual 


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