Saturday, July 21, 2012


Hello everyone!!!

I know it's been hard to read my blog for awhile, so I got a new one, and for the past few days, I have been going over all 303 entries from the past 2 1/2 years of keeping my blog and transferring entries over one by one. No, I didn't transfer all of them, because many of them were inconsequential, only dealing with a superficial issue of the day, or announcing specials and stuff like that. I transferred the good stuff.  Entries with pics, stories, life moments, etc.

I am so relieved to have a functioning blog again, as well as a brand new website to go with it.

I'm back, and the blog entries will begin again.  Thank you all for your patience.

Cock saline infusion pics

Originally posted 7-14-12

I did a little inflation of a cock with saline, and here are the was nothing drastic, just enough to plump things up a bit... Major fun factor happening here for both of us

Being my own guinea pig

Originally posted 6-26-2012

Tonight, I went to a saline-infusion demonstration at Apex with my friend B.  Facilitating the demo was the lovely Serene Sin that I mentioned in my previous post.  I was anxious to go to this demo since I've been wanting to learn saline infusion for years, but as you all know, I won't do anything new until I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I can do it safely.  And when it comes to medical play, this is simply an unbreakable rule for myself.  

During the demonstration, we learned about the tools and equipment necessary, how to keep everything as sterile as possible, and proper preparation of both the equipment and the people involved.  One lady there got a saline IV drip in her breasts, making them almost 2 cup sizes bigger.  Nice!!  She was thrilled, and I think she's now planning on doing this to herself whenever she has to wear a dress that exposes her cleavage. And no, I'm not kidding.  

Another person allowed the facilitator to do little injections in a pattern underneath the skin, raising little bumps here and there.  These are easily done without the need for a whole IV setup and bag.  She used a syringe, hermetically sealed, that was pre-filled with 10ml of sterile medical saline.  The same exact ones that I have in my playroom, I noticed (and that was what got my cogs turning).  

A sweet, brave man who hates needles courageously put aside his fears and volunteered to let the facilitator do an infusion into his scrotal sack.  The entire room was so proud of him for facing that fear.  He was surprised that it didn't hurt.  All 3 of the demo bottoms were surprised at that, actually.  

As most of you know, I rarely do anything to someone else that I haven't had someone do to me at least once. I like to know what kind of sensations I'm arousing in someone.  Of course, some things I simply cannot experience such as CBT and prostate play, but...I do the best I can with what I have.  Unfortunately, the number of people that I will bottom for, even for educational purposes is severely limited, and none of them were available tonight (and I'm such an impatient bitch sometimes) so I decided to just infuse myself.  

Easier said than done. 

Not because of any awkwardness or discomfort, just because....I was fucking scared!  I've done some fucked up stuff to myself in the name of sensation play, and had others do some fucked up stuff to me as well, but, doing using needles to inject something into my body was HARD. Its so difficult to overcome that natural inclination to back away from discomfort.   In the past, I've stapled myself, needle-d myself, whipped myself, paddled myself, had others work me over, subjected myself to cathartic whippings that not only left me unable to stand, but left my back looking like a cheese grater had been dragged back and forth over it. I've had scarrification done,  ritual cuttings, piercings... you name it.  So, it's not like I'm a total pussy.  But, this was difficult. 
I decided to do my breasts because, well, because I could both see and reach them.  I got out my syringes, sharps container, needles, gloves, hospital disinfectant, cotton pads, iodine and...whatever else (sorry-I'm still flying and floaty from my experience but I want to write about it before I go to bed and forget everything).  I washed my hands, and cleaned the area I would be infusing. I walked back into my playroom, and went to stand in front of my table where I had laid everything out.  I screwed the needle onto the syringe, and pushed the plunger so that no air remained in the syringe.  I took a deep breath, pulled the skin on the top of my left breast taut, and slid the needle under the skin. It hurt more than I remember needles hurting, but I soon realized that was because I was so nervous.  In fact, I was so nervous that I forgot one very important step: massage the area to be infused for a few minutes to relax and loosen up the tissue.  Oh well.  I depressed the plunger slowly, and a whole bunch of saline squirted out of the injection site.  Shit.  I didn't get the needle deep enough.  Ok. Switch out the needle for a new one, try again.  Another deep breath and...slide the needle under my skin.  Let it sit there for a second, then slowly pushed a bit saline into myself.  I could see the skin pucker and swell. Right then, the endorphins kicked in and I got a little light-headed.  I breathed through it, and it was fine. I always get that when I have needles used on me.  I only wanted a few pockets of saline to make little bumps, so I took the needle out, moved an inch away, did it again. Pretty soon, I was doing fine, relaxing, and had 5 or  6 little bumpies to show for my efforts.  I still had about 7.5ml of saline in the syringe, so I went a little deeper, and spent the next 2 minutes or so slowly pushing the rest into my breast.  I pulled it out when it was empty, disposed of the needle, and felt my breast.  Still soft, with some soft raised areas on it.  Nothing major.  I was disappointed, actually that it wasn't more noticeable. I remembered B's request for pics, so I went and got my roommate, and he agreed to snap a few pics while I did another 10ml.  

I prepped myself again, then started.  This time, I ended with almost the entire 10ml in one spot on my right breast.  I was really starting to have a blast.  It was body modification without the commitment.  How cool is that?!?!  My right one still didn't get too noticeably full, but, it's only 10ml and I have huge breasts to begin with, so I guess it's silly to expect something noticeable from what little I did.  

It's been about 45 minutes, and there's a bit of tingling, but that's all.  Nothing major.  I'm coming down from the endorphin high, and I need to crash soon, but I wanted to post a few pics. Sorry for the low quality, but it was with a camera phone, and regardless, I hope you enjoy them.
For the curious, yes, I have decided that I really really really dig infusions.  I've already ordered more equipment, including an IV pole, and saline drip bags.  If interested in a session like this, let me know.

You can see the bubble of saline under my skin here

ANd a couple of them here...

I met a Goddess today

Originally posted 6-24-12

Today was the collaring ceremony of my close friends, Lady JoL and her gyrl, Joni Love.  For those who don't know, a collaring ceremony is a commitment ceremony between a Master and a slave that usually takes place when a Master & slave decide to enter into that serious dynamic together.  Not all M/s relations have collaring ceremonies.\, but some do, and loved ones are usually asked to attend.  Bridget and I attended together.  

As B. and I were driving down the street to the house where the ceremony was taking place, there was a car with out-of-state plates in front of us, and as it happens, the car turned down the street we needed to turn on, so B. made a "follow that car" joke/comment.  We weren't sure of the house #, so as we were wildly looking up the address on Fetlife, we saw the out-of-state license plate car pull up to a house that had tons of cars in front of it.  There was someone we recognized standing on the porch, so we correctly assumed that this was the place.  B. parked and as we were walking down the sidewalk, I noticed that the lady getting out of the car we followed was Goddess Serene Sin.  She had advertised in the Dom section of Backpage about...a month or so ago, and I was curious, so I followed the link to her website, and was mightily impressed by what I saw.  She is a Domme, educator, author, teacher, and all around-kinkster with a whole lot of other good stuff thrown in.  I really wanted to send her an email introducing myself, but decided against it for some reason or another.  Anyway, her visit in AZ was a short one, and while I never stepped forward, I thought about her from time to time, since her honesty, and graceful self-love was so evident even tightly contained in her pictures that it was hard for me to not think of her occasionally.

Before the ceremony, when I was thinking about what a small world it was, and what a coincidence it was that we ended up at the same collaring ceremony, I mentally slapped myself on the forehead and reminded myself that I don't believe in coincidences.  So, I walked up and introduced myself.  


The energy and love for the world around her just absolutely POURED from this woman.  She had that relaxed, loose-limbed, going-with-the-music-only-she-could-hear thing going on.  I introduced myself to her, and we chatted for a few minutes.  The ceremony began, and we went our separate ways.  

After the ceremony, B. pointed her out, since she recognized her as well.  B. also mentioned that Serene had written a book that she had wanted to purchase for awhile, and, as it happens, so did I.  We again approached her, and, non-coincidence again, she had copies of her book with her for sale.  So, B. and I each bought one, and Serene was gracious enough to sign them for us.  While we were chatting, Serene made some comments/compliments to me that actually had me blushing.  I still can't get over it.  That woman has a gift.  She made me feel sexy, beautiful, worthy, and valued in less than 2 minutes.  Anyone can pay lip service to sweet nothings, to have them feel real and honest is rare.  

She exemplifies so much of what I have wanted to do with the kink & BDSM sides of my life.  I love teaching. I love helping people not just come to terms with, but find joy in their kinky desires.  To use them as a springboard into more peace in other areas of their lives.  To help them get a little closer to truly being everything they can be.  Helping people get set on their individual paths to happiness is a life you can realy hang your hat on. 

How powerful can someone like that be, who can pull to you just in pictures??  Wow. 
For those interested, here is a link to her site, and a link to the page detailing the book of hers I purchased today...

Oh, and the inscription she wrote to me in her book? She thought about it for about a minute before writing it.  Here it is:

"To Stormy-
Being conscious is your gift to us all. 
Thank you for sharing your beauty with me.
Serene 2012"

No, sweetheart.  Thank YOU. 

I got interviewed!! Give it a listen!!

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Thank you from the bottom of my heart (and theirs, too)

Originally posted 6-8-12

Today I gathered up all of the donations for my favorite animal shelter than you lovely boys brought to me so that I could in turn donate the items to them.

I asked you to help me double the amount of donations I usually take in around my birthday.  I didn't quite make it to that, but it was almost there!!  Regardless, I was thrilled.

I drove up there today, and after about a dozen trips to the truck and back, I finally had everything inside and the staff was amazed.  They asked if I wanted a receipt for tax purposes, and I said "Nah, it was a group effort."  They asked how so, and I just said that for my birthday, I asked for donatable (is that a word) items instead of gifts.  A staff member said right then "You have some awesome friends!"

I replied "Yeah, I know. " and smiled big. She smiled back and said "Please tell them thank you for us."

After that, I, of course, had to tour the newly remodeled facilities, and give out dog biscuits to every single dog in the place (this is encouraged), and played with a few of the cats. 
Thank you guys, SO MUCH.  My eyes get teary when I think of how so many of you helped me with this and how you were all so very generous.  Being an animal rescuer probably isn't the coolest thing to know about a Dominatrix's personal life, but cool or not, it's who I am.  Well, there's more to me than that, but it is still a huge part of what makes me,  Thank you for accepting that I have a life and interests outside of kink.  I am so lucky that I can be so open in this blog about what makes me tick, what's important to me, even if it isn't about sex or BDSM and I still hear people say "It's cool to read that stuff about you!".

  I mean, I'm glad I have exciting stories, and sexy pics to share with you, but the fact that there's an interest in me beyond those pieces of naughtiness still surprises me. 

So, in addition to my sincere thanks, I'd like to convey the thanks of the staff of the AZ Animal Welfare League, and of course, the thanks of the 4-legged angels that so many of you gave a helping hand to. You guys ROCK. 

New fun today..

Originally posted 6-3-2012

Today I had 2 hour session with a new person.  He booked weeks ahead of time, made all the confirmation phone calls that I asked for, and he was a joy.  He turned himself over to me to do with as I wished.  I was even allowed to leave marks if I wanted to!!  Yay!!!

For the first hour, we did impact play- spanking, cropping, flogging, paddling, whipping, and finally, caning.  Impact play is, hands down, my favorite kind of play (well, my favorite play that doesn't have overt sexual overtones).  It is so relaxing to tune into someone's energy, close my eyes, and focus only on centering myself with this person.  I always have my favorite session music in the background, and when I open my eyes, I find the rhythm, and just let myself go.  Unless they tell me otherwise, I start off slow and soft and warm-up as I go.  It is SO relaxing.  I live for the moments when I get to lose myself in that kind of play. 

After that, I flipped him over, and we engaged in lots and lots of CBT, as evidenced in the pictures above.  I have always wanted to do an infibulation, and today, I finally got to. I tucked his dick in, and pulled the skin of his scrotum and stapled it together.  I've seen it done dozens of times, and I myself have done much more out there things with needles and staplers to people's genitals, so....this was relatively simple. But, so much fun!  Exhilarating is actually a better word to describe it.   After I took the staples out, there was more CBT, and finally, some T & D at the end of the session.  I've got an hour to relax before my next appointment, and all is right with my world.

Paddle Boy and My Marine

Originally posted 6-2-12

So, Paddle Boy (the sweet man who makes the fantastic "warminstix" that grace almost every collections of toys owned by the fabulous professional kinksters in the valley) is making me a big piece of equipment now.  I mentioned in passing during a playtime a piece of kink furniture that I could use, and he asked me to draw up a sketch or find a picture of one I like and show it to him. I found one similar to the idea in my mind, and showed it to him. He asked if there were any mod's I would make if I could, and I told him there were, and so....he's making it for me.  Wow. 
I'm so excited!!  I cannot wait to see it sitting in my playroom, and I especially can't wait to use it.
In the meantime, my guy has gone fishing for the day, and so while the cat's away...
this kinky girl will play!

First order of the evening is My Marine is coming over.  He started out as a client, but was so much fun that I wanted to see him a lot more often than most anyone's finances would allow.  So...I took him on as a personal play partner, which is even more fun because there isn't that pro formality that I feel the need to hold on to at times.  He is sexy, funny, laid-back, and willing to take pretty much anything that I dish out to him, whether it's whips, chains, needles, electricity, hoods, gags or whatever.  When I tell him what I have planned for him, it's always one of two responses "Ok, Mistress", or "Ok, babe. Whatever you say."  Now, all you boys who read this, imagine how it would feel  to have a traffic-stopping-ly attractive woman look at you adoringly after you run down the list of depravities and nastiness that you plan on subjecting her to, and she just looks at you with a happy smile and says "Whatever you want."  At that moment, there are few things better than that.

And, it doesn't hurt that he is probably one of the most physically beautiful men on the planet.  Why this man isn't on a model runway or the silver screen is beyond me.  He's been a fixture in my life for almost 2 years.  He's been a sounding board, a submissive, a handyman once or twice, and cherished play partner and chew toy to me.  When my sessions all start looking the same, he's who I call to inject some life and some passion back into the soul of my kink and to remind me how lucky I am to have a taste for the broader spectrum of sexuality that is S & M. 
See ya later, folks.  I get to go play now.

 Hugs and spanks...

Dommes on Tubes

Originally posted 5-31-2012

Yesterday was so very interesting!!! I went on my first Salt River tubing trip.  Big fun!  I went with a few friends that included my friend Carolyn, my guy, Lady JoL, Bridget Ballard, and our friends Don & Greg.  As I said, it was my first time, and thanks to the company, a cocktail,  and generous applications of SPF50 sunblock, I had a great time.

I took tons of pictures (hopeful photographer that I am), and we saw wild horses, a dead javalina on the river floor (coulda done without that one, personally), quite a few really big trout (made me wish I'd brought my rod and reels),  and not as many people as I figured I would. 
At one point, when I was about to slam into a rock wall, I reached out with my foot to push off the wall, and wouldn't ya know it, my foot got caught between some branches, and the next thing I knew a big wave came, and I went under. Somewhow my tube ended up on top of me, and between it, and my ensnared foot, I stayed under. For awhile. Scary? Yep.  I finally got my self un-wedged, shoved my tube aside, and up I came. 

I was looking at the pics tonight as I uploaded them to Facebook, and I couldn't believe how pale I was.  At first, I thought it was a result of overexposure of the camera, but everyone else looked like they always do, so I decided that I am officially one of the Whitest People on the Fucking Planet.  Being an Irish redhead, I guess that's too be expected, but damn!  I needs to get me some sun!  Either that, or renew my membership at Darque Tan.  My mom is 3/4 native American, actually, and I have a big chunk of Native on my dad's side as well (he's where I get the Irish from), so you'd think that I'd be a bit more exotic in my coloring, but nope.  Actually, I can tan, and and tan really dark, at that.  I just have to burn through the Irish first.  Between my salon membership and having a pool a couple of summers ago, I got so dark that none of the really expensive make-up I buy looked good on me anymore.  Maybe I'll try that again this year.  I'm in the mood for something different.

I'm getting a new piece of play equipment made, and the gent who is making it for me brought over the basic model of it today for my inspection.  It's coming along fantastic, and I am SO excited to have something new in my playroom. 

I'm gonna go make another gin & juice, maybe burn one,  and hit the sack.  Thanks for reading me.  :)

I'm thinking of you today...

Originally posted 5-28-2012

I'm not sure how I feel about the phrase "Happy Memorial Day".  Today is dedicated to remembering those people who served out country (and sometimes a few other countries while doing so) and who made the  ultimate sacrifice for the rights and freedoms of others while in that service.  So, the juxtaposition of these remembrances and the phrase "Happy....!" just doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me.  But, I know that people's intentions are good, so I don't get upset by it.

I have a lot of friends and family who were or are active military members.

Today I'm thinking of not only the ones who have sacrificed their lives for the rest of us, but the ones who sacrifice something else, something important  that kind of gets lost in the shuffle of the standard parades, bbq's, memorial bike runs, televised specials from Arlington, and the summer sales: time.  Not everyone who serves dies in that service.  Not everyone comes back from a tour with life-altering injuries.   The one precious commodity that they all lose is time.  Time out of their lives that can never be given back.  Time spent fighting for their lives in a living hell.  Time spent living in conditions so horrific that we wouldn't dare inflict them upon even the most violent and despicable criminals in our prison system because that would be "a violation of their basic human rights."   And sometimes, it's simply time spent away from their loved ones.  Missing the birthdays and holidays and first steps and anniversaries and graduations.   And they aren't the only ones losing time.  Their parents, children, husbands, wives, siblings and friends also lose that time.

Since I haven't seen too many people saying it, for what it's worth,  I'll say it here, from my own little corner of the world:

Thank you for your time.

I come from a family of military members, and many of my closest friends have served in the armed forces as well.

My great-great uncle enlisted in the army on his 17th birthday during WWII, and was 19 years old when he died on Omaha Beach at Normandy 2 days before he was due to be sent home.  He was buried in a US Military cemetery in France.   I grew up with his picture on the mantle, along with the flag they draped over his coffin folded in a standard military issue triangle, where it sat in a case with his posthumously awarded medals pinned to it for 67 years, until last year.  My uncle was curious about what the flag looked like back then, but didn't want to unfold it for fear that he wouldn't be able to fold it back up properly and get it back in the case.  So, I had a Marine friend of mine come over, and we unfolded it.  It was amazing.  It was a huge flag, and it was all hand-stitched, including the stars, of which there were only 48.

Another great-great uncle of mine was on the USS Arizona when it was bombed in Pearl Harbor.  He was one of the lucky ones who came through it physically unscathed.  I saw him a lot growing up, as he was the younger brother of the great-grandmother who raised me.  On rare occasion, he might mention a few things about that fateful day.  None of it was pretty, and I'll spare the details.

I had my first serious boyfriend when I was 17. He was a boy I had known for years.  He was 3 years older than me, and in the Navy by the time we fell in love.  He was a submariner for the first part of our relationship, then was assigned to a surface ship towards the end.  I used to get postcards and packages  and phone calls from all over the world.  It was a bittersweet excitement to be exposed vicariously to such worldly adventures while at the same time counting the days until he came home on leave.  This was back before email and the internet, so every day I would run to the mailbox to see if there was a letter from him.  Since I knew he loved feeling connected to home, I wrote him faithfully at least once a week, usually twice.  I sent the care packages, the cookies, the pictures, and occasionally, a silk garter or stocking that smelled like my skin, and my perfume.  I remember once during a particularly long sub run to the Meditteranean  Sea ( I almost said "Med run"-it's funny  how memories can make you lapse into the old terms and phrases from back then), I sent him something like that, a garter or thong or something silly like that.  Now, the way they'd get their mail when on a sub run was they'd surface a couple times a month for a mail drop.  So, I sent him the lacy whatever, and about a month later, I got 39(!) letters from his shipmates asking  for more of them because when you get 133 dudes on an enclosed submarine, it can get kind of ripe, and the scent of lotion and perfume on the item I sent made the whole ship smell better.  Since I was fortunate to have a girlfriend who worked at Fredericks of Hollywood (and who got amazing discounts-I suspect most of the time it was a whatever-she-could-sneak-out-in-her tote-bag kind of discount), the next time the boat surfaced, there was a big package in there from me filled with garters, stockings,  thongs, and lacy panties all liberally sprayed with my perfume.  My boyfriend said the guys hung them all over the ship, and as a result, it looked less like a nuclear submarine and more like a french bordello.  I haven't thought about that in years.  Anyway,  as happens so much with military relationships, it was too much to keep the relationship going when he was on the other side of the world.  After 2 years, with sad hearts, we drifted apart.  We reconnected as friends many years later, and still chat occasionally.  They say you always have a soft spot for your first, and I am no exception.  I still smile when I think of him, and am grateful that my first love and lover was such a wonderful man.

My little sister is in the Air Force.  My older sister served in the Navy for years before leaving the service to devote her time to raising her children and taking care of her family.  Her husband, my amazing brother-in-law,  is career Navy, and served as a medic in Afghanistan for a very long time.  My step-dad was career National Guard.  My cousin was Army.  My grandfather and his father were Navy.  Many of my closest friends have served.  I  tried to enlist in the Navy after high school.  I was turned town for horrible eyesight, and hereditary stomach ulcers.  Typical military reasoning: you can't enlist with such issues, but if they develop after enlistment, you can stay.  Sigh.

I just realized how much I am rambling.  This was supposed to be a simple "Thank you", know me.  Why use only a  few words, when you can use a thousand?
Anyway...thank you to all who have served and are serving to keep the rest of us safe and comfortable.  I'm thinking of and remembering you today.

More Play pics

Originally posted 5-25-2012

Corporal punishment? He can take it.

Not a play, pic, I know, but I wanted to share.  Homegrown heirloom tomatoes, peppers, zucchini, squash, rosemary and cucumbers from Lady Bridget's garden. I already ate the strawberries before I thought to take the pic.  Thanks, B!

Child of the 80's

Originally posted 5-23-2012

Nothing horribly exciting happened this week, and I'm ok with that. :)  It means nothing bad is happening. 

I'm pleased as punch that Kiley is coming over this Friday for play and relaxation.  We'll be available for sessions and we already have 2 regulars scheduled to come and play with us, so we're immensely looking forward to it.  It's been awhile since she and I cut loose together, so we both need it.

My birthday party was a smashing success.  Lady JoL, and Domina Bridget were both in attendance, and both doing some playing.  I had scads of friends over, and the energy was terrific.  I did an 80's theme, so there was all that cheesy, synthesized music from that decade in the background, and I spent over an hour on my hair, trying to achieve the big 80's do that was so popular back then. I even managed those ridiculous (but still strangely compelling) "waterfall" style bangs that I used to do.   After I was ready,  I looked in the mirror, and was surprised by what I saw.  I was a child of the 80's complete with stirrup pants, Aqua-Net hairspray, Wet 'N" Wild makeup, and all that crap.  So, while accurate in my endeavors to replicate the look, I was surprised by the different perspective I now had on it.  I snapped a pic of me in the bathroom mirror, and sent it  to my buddy C., with the note "Did we really look like such whores back then?" 

Fun stuff

Originally posted 5-11-2012

Let's see...what's happened lately in my vanilla world?  

I had a grand adventure yesterday evening.  Well, I thought it was grand, anyway.  My guy, J., and I went to a bat cave.  Yep. A real bat cave.  Just a little north and west of 40th Street & Camelback is a bat cave.  Actually, it's an enclosed underground section of the drainage/flood control systems that belong to the city of Phoenix, but, as far as the bats are concerned, it's a cave.  F0r 6 months out of the year, from May-October, they live in this "cave".   At a few minutes after sunset every night, they all start flying out of the cave to feast on insects.  It was so cool to watch.  First, one flew out.  Then, about 10 seconds later, another, then another couple, then they started flying out in droves. This went on for about 20 minutes, with me catching some neat video of it on my phone's camcorder.  When we decided to walk back to our car, we were walking along the footpath and the bats were flying all around us.  It wasn't some Hitchcockian nightmare, or anything, there were just a few flying around near us.  I felt one brush my hair once, and another softly grazed the tip of his wing across my arm as he flew by.   I love new experiences, so this was ridiculously fun for me.  As we were walking along the canal bank, we saw a bunch of owls hanging around.  Some were on the electrical wires, others were on the electrical posts themselves.  There was one that was huge-mongous.  He flew right in front of us from a wire onto the top of a very very very tall electrical pole, and just looked down at us.  He was so huge, that even when we were about 150 yards east of him, when we looked back, we could not only still see his silhouette on top of the pole, but he was still perfectly owl-shaped, so he was big enough that over that long of a distance, at night, he was still perfectly recognizable for what he was.   It was also cool to see the bats skimming the top of the water for mosquitoes.  The ducks in the canal were cute because they all got out of the water when the bats came out. 

The other morning, I went to one of my favorite places to relax and just be silly.  The dog park.  Beautiful morning, my guy brought his border collie and I  was having a great time sipping my coffee and throwing the ball for him.  I usually take a blanket and sit on the ground when I go there.  Cuz when you sit on the ground, dogs come up and sit next to you, and play with you and cuddle with you and all that happy stuff.  So, as usual, I'm sitting there, playing with all of the little ankle biters that inhabit that side of the park at that early hour of the day, when I hear my boyfriend say "uh-oh".  I turn to face him and about 12 feet away, lumbering towards me for all he was worth, with fur and drool just a-flyin' was a shetland pony of a dog (he was a Newfoundland) and he had his sights on me.  I had just enough time to exclaim "Oh dear God" before he tackled me and knocked me backwards, licking my face and neck like we were long lost best friends.  He was so huge that I couldn't get him off me, so I was rolling to my side trying to get some leverage (and laughing my ass off, to be truthful) while he thought it was one big wrestling game and redoubled his efforts.  Finally, his owner stopped laughing long enough to call him off me and when I got up, my hair looked like I stick my finger in a light socket (which is funny when you consider that it started out in a pony tail), and I was covered with mud (the ground was a bit wet in some spots, apparently) and dog slobber.  Buckets and buckets of Turner-and-Hooch-esque dog drool.  In my hair, all over my clothes.  God, it was a mess.  I looked over to see my furry violator happily thundering towards his owner.  I called out to him the first thing that popped into my head:

"Call me!" 

It was then that everyone within earshot REALLY started laughing.  They'd been laughing before, but that made the laugh tears come out. 

We had originally planned to go straight to breakfast at Joe's Diner in downtown Phoenix after that, but, of course, I had to go home, shower, and change clothes.  I quickly confiscated my guy's phone so he couldn't take a picture of me in that state.  He then threatened to take me to Joe's looking like that, until I rolled down the window and held his phone out and threatened to drop it.  We called a truce before blood was spilled and the rest of the morning was just fine.

Last night, I went to Smokin' Lingerie and bought a bondage belt. I love this thing!  Black leather, with O-rings all the way around it so that you can hook someone's wrist cuffs to it.  Can't wait to use it!!

My morning session today was a regular, and he brought a huge box and 2 bags of items to donate to the animal shelter.  Hand sanitizer, plates, cups, paper towels, soap, Sharpies, bleach, sponges.  All kinds of stuff!!  Thank you, T!!!!

Had some big fun this weekend

Originally posted 5-7-2012

Lots of cool playtimes, and a few new pictures.  I've decided that I need to keep a photographer with a lot of time on their hands on retainer, because it would be nice to have some session pictures that weren't always taken from my point of view!!  Enjoy...

A very sweet boy, shackled to my CBT chair, awaiting further torment

This dildo is over a foot long, and bigger around than a can of soda. And he can take it. entire fist

A smashing success so far..

Originally posted 5-3-2012

The "Stormy's Birthday" May special is a hit.  So far, I've collected a bunch of food, laundry detergent, and pet beds for the shelter.  Thanks so much, boys!!!

And it seems that the tax-time slowness is over.  Since 8pm last night, I've had 6 sessions, and 2 more are lined up this evening.  Holy God.  I am wiped.  For those that don't know, part of the reason I don't schedule back-to-back sessions with virtually not time between them is because not only do I clean and sterilize the toys I use after every session, I also vacuum and mop the playroom floor, and change the linens on the table.  So, I've gone through tons of hospital sanitizer today, done 2 loads of playroom laundry, and inhaled enough Pine-Sol to knock over a horse.  Hopefully the next play people to show up won't find me on the floor choked out from the cleaner fumes.   Normally I'd stop taking appointments, but, I'm excited about the donations the shelter is getting, and I'm pretty hyped up on 5-Hour energy shots and TONS of Trader Joe's Ethiopian blend coffee, so the energy has to go somewhere.

I got a really terrific compliment from the boy who just left.  It was his first visit with me, and of course, it was Wonder Wednesday.  Just before he left he said "I got the discounted rate, but not discounted service.  Here." and handed me my standard donation.  I argued, but he wouldn't hear of me not accepting it.  I'll make it up to him somehow.  He even mentioned (hinted?) during session that he's always wanted to have a picture of his playtime taken and used on someone's website. Well, y'all know me and my affinity for pictures, so I jumped on that!  So, when I have time to, I'll be uploading pictures of him shackled to my CBT chair with a ballcrusher attached to him.

It's good to be me.

My birthday is in 2 weeks-I have an offer/challenge for you

Originally posted 4-30-2012

May 16th is my birthday.  I'm already planning a birthday party to be held at my house.  As usual, I'm asking people to not bring me presents.  I am rich in love, friends, family, and happiness.  I don't need anything else.  However, others are not so fortunate.  Anyone who's known me more than 10 minutes knows of my deep affinity for animals.  While not bat-shit crazy about it like PETA members, or anything like that, I am an animal rights activist and animal rescuer/foster home.  So, what I usually do for my birthday, is ask those of my friends who were planning  to buy me a present instead bring something to me that I can donate to my favorite animal shelter, the Arizona Animal Welfare League.  This is the no-kill shelter that I adopted my wonderful cat, Patches, and my awesomest-dog-in-the-world Jezebel from.  To say this organization holds a special place in my heart is an understatement.  They are privately run, and rely solely upon donations to keep going. I'm down there myself dropping things off at least a couple of times a month. It makes me feel good to give back, and gives me the perfect excuse to hand out dog biscuits like they're going out of style and play with every kitten on the premises.

So here's my offer: for the ENTIRE month of May, if you book for 1 hour, and bring something I can donate to the shelter, you'll get an extra 30 minutes of playtime.  So, 90 minutes, basically for the 60 minute donation plus about $15 in items to donate to the critters. And, NO, you can't just give me the extra $15. This requires a little thought and effort on your part.  I've made a list below of the easiest things to pick up from regular stores, but I'll also put a link to the AAWL's donation wish list at the bottom if you want to do something else. 

Here are some suggestions that are easy, and around the $15 mark (give or take):

- 2 cases of Pedigree brand CANNED dog food (about $7.50/case at Wal-Mart)

- 32 count case of Friskies or  9Lives CANNED cat food (about $14 @ Wal-Mart) {they prefer the pate kind as opposed to the flaked/sliced meat type-it's easier for kittens to eat)

- 2 or 3 small pet beds ($5.99 each @ CVS or Walgreens)

- 2 or 3 big boxes of Milk-Bone dog biscuits (they keep these near the dog kennels so that visitors can give snacks to the dogs as they browse)

- 2 books of "Forever" stamps

- 2 big bags or boxes of cat litter

- A few of those 32oz bottles of hand sanitizer, usually around $4 per bottle (they go through that stuff like water since they have bottles of it every 1o feet around the shelter)

- A few bottles/boxes of laundry detergent (they don't specify a brand, but I'm thinking the "free and clear" varieties might be better in case an animal is sensitive to chemical dyes and fragrances)

They also need the following items, if you want to bring a few different things:  Bleach, Sharpie markers, 70% Rubbing alcohol, paper towels, paper plates, drawstring trash bags, pens, and copy paper.  (this is their actual wish-list

In case anyone is wondering, when I drop off the items I collect in this manner, I don't take receipts to use for tax write-offs, or get any special recognition for large donations.  I always tell them that it was a group effort, not just me.  I'm merely the delivery person.  In other words, I don't benefit from this in any way except the good feeling I get knowing that  the shelter is getting the help it needs and so richly deserves.  

As I said, I compiled the above list because this is stuff that's easy for anyone to pick up, almost anywhere.  But, if you see other stuff on the wish-list that you want to get for them, go for it. I just ask that you try to keep it around the $15 mark at least (however, if you have the desire and means to do more, by all means go for it). 

If you're making an appointment with me and planning to do this, just let me know at the time of booking that you're asking for the May special for 90 minutes, so that I know to schedule the day accordingly.   These are for my solo sessions only since it wouldn't be cool of me to make this offer on anyone elses behalf. 

And, yes, I mentioned "challenge".  I usually end up taking a full truckload of items down there after my birthday party to drop off at their donation center.  This year? I want to make it 2 truckloads. Help me make it happen, guys. 

Graphic CBT pics

Originally posted on 4-27-2012

It seems that my reputation for being sick and twisted is catching up with me.  This week was a study in more extreme sessions.  I'm not sure what triggered it, and I don't really give a shit.  I'm just happy to have more chances to indulge the really fucked up side of my desires.

However, my first playtime today was relatively tame.  I nice boy gave me some new paddles, so naturally I asked him to stick around to help me take them on their maiden voyage.  After that, we indulged in some nipple torture.  He even asked that I pierce his nipples for him.  Naturally, I obliged him!!

A couple of days ago, I had my most extreme breathplay session ever. My gas mask with the filter is so terrific for it.  With the filter on, I just block the little airhole with my hand, and instant air loss.  We also did some "hanging" breathplay. I wouldn't let him actually hang by his neck with his feet off the ground.  I made him get on his knees, hooked my widest leather collar to a chain, then tossed the chain over my bondage stand, and just pulled.  VERY exciting!! After that, we switched to a plastic bag over the head.  All went well, and as with most of the more "out there" sessions I do, I was flying pretty high.

Tonight, I went to visit a gentleman at his hotel, and we indulged in urethral sounding, needle-play, and prostate massage.  The sounding was big fun, as usual.  Then, we moved into the cbt/needleplay.  He warned me ahead of time that he was a bleeder, and he didn't disappoint.  I put needles all around his ballsack, and up the underside of his cock, and finally took two needles and skewered the head of his cock from one side to the other.  He loved it just as much as I did.  I'm sharing some pics below, but they're not for the faint of heart

Lots of needles

     Right through the urethra

After the needles were taken out
I couldn't resist a little bloodwriting when I was done

New stuffs

Originally posted 4-25-2012

Ok, this week was a whirlwind. Friday the 20th was my private party that I threw at my house. There were about 40 or so people there throughout the night. All good friends of mine, with a lucky client that I know and love that I wanted to come to he could see a kink party. I think he enjoyed it, and I know I was thrilled that he came, and that he stayed for quite awhile.
At the party we had the requisite fire-cupping (I'm gonna have to start keeping a dance card because everyone wants me to do that to them now), spanking, bondage, suspensions, fire-play, needle play, breath play, you name it. And there were people from every age group and orientation there, as well. It was a very well-rounded crowd, and I count myself lucky that I know so many wonderful people who enjoy coming to my home and sharing the terrific energy that presents itself at my gatherings.

Let's see... how about some details....

I think the highlight of the night was assisting with my first really serious breathplay scene ever. I've done breathplay before, and I find it to be big fun, but it's usually just done with my hand over someone's nose and mouth. The couple that I played with have been together for awhile, and he's the Master, she's his slave. They do breathplay involving bags over the head, latex hoods that suction themselves to the face restricting everything. It can be scary to watch, but it's also fascinating to see the mechanics (both mental and physical) that go into creating such a scene. The scene lasted about an hour and a half, and it involved her getting duct taped and shrinkwrapped to my St. Andrew's Cross, me playing with her pussy while he played with her up top by taking away her air for periods of time. And then we switched things around and she was bent over sucking his cock while I inserted a few fingers into her pussy to rub her g-spot. It culminated in him fucking her while I held the hood over her head until I got the signal from him to let her breathe. He never took her far enough to pass out, or anything like that. Just until she started struggling bigtime. And the more we restricted her air, the wetter she got. And, plus, I usually find it rather hot when people are fucking in front of me. Who wouldn't? I'm pleased and honored that they allowed me to take part in such an intimate session. I had asked him to demonstrate some breathplay for me in the past, because I'd like to learn how to safely delve deeper into this kink, and there aren't many around that I trust to lead me through such a dangerous kink.

Saturday night, I went to the FemDomme Society party. I went with my date, Bobbie, a T-girl visiting from out of state. I met her at the last FDS party, and she's a riot. I had such a fantastic time with her. She contacted me a month and a half ago, and I asked her to be my date for the party. She did me the honor of accepting and thanks to her, I had a wonderful time. She arrived to pick me up dressed in a Catholic schoolgirl outfit, complete with a much-too short mini skirt, thigh high white stockings, lacy pink anklet socks, and wore black patent leather Mary Jane shoes. She looked darling! After we mingled for a bit, and I met some of the hostess Domme's, Bobbie and I decided to play. We went to the back room, and we did some flogging, and whipping, and some electricity play. It's fun zapping someone lightly with a cattle prod!! Our scene lasted over an hour, close to 90 minutes, and we were both flying and giggly. It's rare that I get to really flog and whip someone, and take my time doing it. I love long, slow warm-ups. Bobbie and I agreed that no one really "dances" anymore during scenes. By "dance", we mean to lose themselves in the rhythm, to take it slow, to find yourself becoming part of an almost liquid grace of movement, where there are no pauses, no jerky motions, just a constant ebb and flow of motion and sensation. I know, sounds silly, but it's one of those things that you either understand, or you don't (at least not yet).
I met a beautiful young man at the party, and we exchanged contact information and he was already texting me at 9am the next morning. He's a bit young for me, but a total darling. He is so eager to explore this lifestyle and community, but doesn't know where to start. I admire him for taking the first big leap of attending a party where he didn't know what to expect and didn't know anyone. I'm a member of quite a few local lifestyle organizations, so I told him I would take him with me and introduce him around. It was so sweet, in one of his text messages to me, he said "I wish I could meet someone like you." I replied: "I think you already did, dear."