Thursday, July 19, 2012

Karaoke was actually a lot of fun...

Originally posted 3-24-2011

So, I was having kittens over being a judge of something that I'm not exactly qualified to be a judge for this afternoon.  Y'know that old expression: "I may not know art, but I know what I like."?  Well, that's how I am about music.  I know what I like, but...anyway.  So, I'm having stress kittens over this, when I remember that I have an old Xanax prescription squirreled away for a rainy day. SCORE!  I bite a piece off of one (if I took an entire one, I'd be in a puddle on the floor), and within 20 minutes, I'm feeling better.  I arrive at Toby Keith's, lookin' FINE.  Medium length, low-cut Black dress, dark charcoal suede thigh-high boots, my infamous pearls and I look great.  I'm actually starting to look forward to it. roommate, one of the musicians in the band, who threw the whole event together, dropped the bomb on me that instead of sitting in the audience while judging, I'll be sitting on the STAGE.  Yes, the stage.  In front of 1000+ people with the possibility of it getting to be upwards of 3000).  Ok, stress kittens are back. Fuck it.  I'm committed, so I'll see it through.

My fellow judges were two relatively famous local celebrities, also musicians.  And, somewhat well-known throughout the country as well.  Great.  My claim to fame and reason for being there?  Because I am related to and share the same last name of a truly legendary country musician.  That's it.  I couldn't be there as Stormy, I had to be there in my rarely used vanilla persona, and I was not thrilled.  My buddy needed another judge, and tapped me for it.  Anyway, after i get there, I went looking for my friend to see where he wanted me.  I asked one of the other musicians where I could find him, and he told me where he went, said he'd be back in a few.  Then he introduced himself to me.  Turns out, he was the drummer last night.  I gave him my name, and told him why I was there.  He said "Oh, cool! Do you play around here?"  I replied "Yes, but not music." He didn't ask for details. Just looked at me funny. I know, I know.  But, I just couldn't help myself.  Stormy was straining at the seams to bust out and show herself.
Anyway, things get settled, the band strikes up, and us judges take our seats.  We get introduced.  The first two judges have brag sheets a mile long with all their accomplishments, and such.  And then there'  Yeah.  Awkward moment.  But, I lived.

And guess what? I actually had a truly great time.  I didn't embarrass myself, and since I grew up in a completely musical family, (something I had forgotten until tonight) I actually had some productive and spot-on things to say.  Wow. Go me!  My buddy said the humor I kept interjecting was perfect and that afterward people told him they loved my personality and the way I kept everyone on stage and in the audience laughing.  COOL!!  I'll take it!!

Adam: if you're reading this, thank you for the words of encouragement you offered yesterday, and you were right: I was glad I went once I got there.  Thank you, baby!!

For the rest of you: You're probably wondering when the kinky posts will be back... I promise, I'll put more up shortly.  It just seems that the past few days, the exciting and fun stuff happening to me has been the (usually) boring old vanilla stuff.  Bear with me, and I hope you're not too bored by these posts.

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