Saturday, July 21, 2012

A smashing success so far..

Originally posted 5-3-2012

The "Stormy's Birthday" May special is a hit.  So far, I've collected a bunch of food, laundry detergent, and pet beds for the shelter.  Thanks so much, boys!!!

And it seems that the tax-time slowness is over.  Since 8pm last night, I've had 6 sessions, and 2 more are lined up this evening.  Holy God.  I am wiped.  For those that don't know, part of the reason I don't schedule back-to-back sessions with virtually not time between them is because not only do I clean and sterilize the toys I use after every session, I also vacuum and mop the playroom floor, and change the linens on the table.  So, I've gone through tons of hospital sanitizer today, done 2 loads of playroom laundry, and inhaled enough Pine-Sol to knock over a horse.  Hopefully the next play people to show up won't find me on the floor choked out from the cleaner fumes.   Normally I'd stop taking appointments, but, I'm excited about the donations the shelter is getting, and I'm pretty hyped up on 5-Hour energy shots and TONS of Trader Joe's Ethiopian blend coffee, so the energy has to go somewhere.

I got a really terrific compliment from the boy who just left.  It was his first visit with me, and of course, it was Wonder Wednesday.  Just before he left he said "I got the discounted rate, but not discounted service.  Here." and handed me my standard donation.  I argued, but he wouldn't hear of me not accepting it.  I'll make it up to him somehow.  He even mentioned (hinted?) during session that he's always wanted to have a picture of his playtime taken and used on someone's website. Well, y'all know me and my affinity for pictures, so I jumped on that!  So, when I have time to, I'll be uploading pictures of him shackled to my CBT chair with a ballcrusher attached to him.

It's good to be me.

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