Saturday, July 21, 2012

I took a few days off

Originally posted 2-13-2012

I took a few days off for reasons I'll get into in a second, but I'm back, and slipping back into the swing of things.  My new CBT chair (a gift from Lady Bridget Ballard-bless her!) is getting some serious usage, and it's wonderful.  I really can't thank her enough. I saw a wonderful man last night that I haven't seen in a few months, and it was relaxing, arousing, and refreshing to spend time in his company again.  I've already got a few appointments booked for the week, and had one already this morning.  It's nice to be welcomed back. 

I took a few days off because of the unexpected passing of a very good, close friend of mine, Mark.  I had known him for about 14 years, and we used to work in the corporate world together, but remained great friends after we both set out for greener pastures (or in my case, redder behinds).  He was smart, funny, always positive.  We would go shooting together out in the desert, and sat next to each other for about 3 years when working together before he went to another department.  He was an all-around good guy. Served our country in the armed forces for quite awhile, and was stationed oversears for a good part of that.   He was still relatively young, in good health and his passing was unexpected.  Massive coronary, gone before he hit the floor.  My memories of him are plentiful, and sweet, and losing him has left a big hole in my life.  Just the other day I had laughed at his facebook status update, and when I opened my email the other evening I read a couple emails from Mark that I hadn't had time in the prior couple of days to read, and then... still chuckling from Mark's always humorous notes, I opened an email from a mutual friend who was letting me know that Mark had passed on.  Surreal doesn't begin to describe that feeling.  I've walked around in a fog for the past few days, trying to remember to keep his wife and daughter in my thoughts and prayers, but sometimes I can be self-centered, so I mostly cried a lot for my loss.

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