Thursday, July 19, 2012

Goodness..where do I start?

Originally posted 12-27-2010

Uhmm..first of all, I'll start with the thank-you's.  First of all, to the universe and higher power for giving me such a great year filled with lots of blessings, love, and fun.
Thank you to all the slaves, subs, playthings and kinky fuckers who made this past year so lively, and interesting, and so absolutely FUN.
Thank you to play partner J. for the very generous gift card to Houston's Steakhouse, and for the new Hi-Def digital camcorder with all the bells and whistles (that I still haven't figured out 90% of) so that I can start shooting my videos.  And for introducing me to my new favorite sushi place.
Thank you to H. for being such a great guy and a wonderful personal playtoy.

Thank you to Mistress Samantha for the absolutely mind-blowing double sessions, and for being such good a friends. I love you.

Thank you to  Holly (in the hilltop hacienda)  for...everything.  I don't even know where to start.I'm trying to remember the credo and live it.

Thank you to MisFortunes and Mistress Noir for reminding me how much fun this life can be. You ladies ROCK.

Thank you to Kincaid for the smokes and the compliments and the squirting.  :)

Thank you to M. for the spiritually refreshing energy exchanges and for reminding me how important it is to live with a loving touch.  And, for introducing me to Thai green curry.

Thank you to Domina Brigit Ballard and Lady JoL for being such perfect examples of strong, independent femininity.

Thank you T. from Tucson for volunteering for my videos and being such a great guy.

Thank you to MsMadyson for her never-wavering encouragement and "You can do anything" mentality.   You mean more to me than you know.

Thanks most of all to my man, J.  It's been almost 7 years since I saw you across the room and 2 thoughts crossed my mind: "Holy fuck, he's hot!" and "Ok. My life just fell into place."  You certainly have your hands full with me, and you manage so well.  I love you.

I'm sure there are people I've forgotten, and I'm SO sorry. I'll try to remember and edit this post as needed.

Needless to say, Christmas was fantastic for me.  More presents than I ever expected, and I pretty much made out like a bandit.  I'm SO excited because my mom and stepdad are coming up from Yuma in a couple days and I love seeing them.  My mom knows all about what I do and thinks it's a riot. She loves telling people about her daughter the Dominatrix.

I tried to take the day off today, and wouldn't you know it....I looked at my phone at 7pm, and I missed 19 phone calls, 11 text messages(7 requesting sessions), and had 8 voice mails requesting sessions.  Sigh.  It always happens that way. I'll be back in business tomorrow boys, see you then.

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